Public Hearing Notice - Community Development Block Grant First Hearing

Notice is hereby given that Hyrum City will hold a public hearing on December 14, 2023 at 60 West Main Street in the City Council Chambers during the Planning Commission Meeting at 6:30 pm.

Hyrum City is eligible to apply to the Utah Department of Workforce Services for funding under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Small Cities Program, a federally funded program administered by the State of Utah, Housing and Community Development Division (HCD). HYRUM CITY is eligible to apply for CDBG funding provided HYRUM CITY meets the applicable program requirements.

The purpose of this public hearing is to provide citizens with pertinent information about the Community Development Block Grant program and to allow for discussion of possible applications.  This public hearing will cover eligible activities, program requirements, and expected funding allocations in the region.  Construction of public works and facilities, e.g., water and sewer lines, fire stations, acquisition of real property, and provision of public services such as food banks or homeless shelters.  In the event that HYRUM CITY chooses to apply for CDBG funding, a second public hearing will be held at a later time to discuss the project. Further information can be obtained by contacting Matt Holmes, City Engineer at Hyrum City Offices at (435) 245-6033.

                           Stephanie Fricke
                           City Recorder

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this hearing should notify Stephanie Fricke, City Recorder at Hyrum City Offices, 60 West Main Street, Hyrum City, 84319 at least three days prior to the hearing. Individuals with speech and/or hearing impairments may call the Relay Utah by dialing 711.  Spanish Relay Utah: 1.888.346.3162.

Published: State Public Notice Website and Hyrum City Website on November  30, 2023.

Posted:    Ridleys Grocery Store, Hyrum City Office, Senior Center, and Library, Hyrum Medical Clinic, Cache Valley Bank, Manning Short Stop on November 30, 2023